Back in 2017 when we were first launching Enhanced Litigation Management Solutions, or ELMS as it quickly became known, I had already worked with other eDiscovery providers and inside law firms managing and delivering their document management needs for nearly 25 years. 

I was a specialist in what lawyers need to do and deliver during the litigation process, including the litigation management technology and eDiscovery tools that support their work.

One day in a coffee shop, Kiri Parr, who was then the Regional Counsel of Arup and a longtime client said to me, “I know you have this rare combination of skills and I need you to manage the electronic discovery on a matter which is being handled by another law firm. I need your skills everywhere.”

We then proceeded to draw the different aspects of eDiscovery and litigation management which quickly began to look a lot like a tree. 

For some time I had seen an opportunity for a boutique business providing an eDiscovery and litigation capability across law firms that did not have inhouse capability. This was most law firms outside the Big 6, from boutique practices in Australia and internationally through to national mid-tier firms and even in-house legal teams. 

This discussion gave me the confidence to turn the solution and ideas we had been thinking and talking about for many years into reality.

The tree we drew that day became the logo of our new company, Enhanced Litigation Management Solutions.

It represented our clients, their clients and the technology with ELMS – the eDiscovery specialist – the trunk and branches that held all the pieces together. 

ELMS went on to do some amazing things – we were more successful than we ever imagined, we built a strong and loyal client base of people we really liked working with and even won some pretty impressive awards. 

After nearly 6 years, I truly believe our team is the best in Australia in both their knowledge and client service.

It has been apparent for some time that we needed to make some changes and I will talk about this another time.

Of all the changes and suggestions that were put to me during the rebranding process, the one thing I would not move on was our tree – it was essential to who we are and what we do.

But I also knew our tree had grown up and become much more connected and linked to more people than ever before. This has been reflected by our designer in the evolution into eDiscovery Collab’s tree. 

A tree that continues to connect us with our clients, their clients and the technology, it is now connecting us with our past and our future.

We love our new tree and hope you do too.