
how we help

Building a chronology is the process of identifying key documents that build the story of your case.  A chronology should be read without reference to the documents it summarises and tells your story from start to end.

Nearly 100% of litigation matters require a chronology. 

Chronologies and fact management are critical but they are time consuming and expensive to create in Word or Excel.

Once created, chronologies in Word or Excel do not have any underlying extra functionality that can assist you with fact and case issue management.

Challenges when building chronologies in Word or Excel:

  • You are never sure if you are looking at the latest version
  • You can’t search across the chronology and the documents attached to it
  • It is not easy to annotate the documents attached to your Word or Excel chronology
  • It is time consuming to manually hyperlink the documents referred to in the chronology
  • It is difficult to collaborate on your chronology with your internal team, clients, barristers, witnesses or experts and be confident that everybody is working from the same version of the chronology
  • It is more difficult to create master and issue based chronologies in real time
  • It is more difficult to sort and filter in Word
  • It is impossible to create a witness bundle direct from your chronology
  • It is impossible to link facts to documents, issues and people
  • These chronologies are time consuming to create
  • Senior legal team members do not have complete oversight on the preparation of the chronology from the start

eDiscovery Collab has searched the world for a Chronology software that can assist legal teams in making this process more efficient and provide extra functionality that will assist to analyse documents and prepare for trial.  

Everchron software is best used for substantive fact development in conjunction with your litigation database.

The support and efficiencies provided by eDiscovery Collab are designed to avoid costly mistakes:

Single Source of Truth: you are always looking at the latest up to date version of the chronology

Collaboration: you can easily collaborate in real time with your internal team, client, barristers, witness and experts

User-friendly:  you can interact with the chronology and all of the documents in it by searching, highlighting and commenting

Case Issues: you can create master and issue based chronologies in real time

Witness Bundles:  the software automatically creates witness bundles and enables you to easily view all documents that are associated with a particular witness

Fact Management: you can link facts to people, documents and issues quickly and easily

Oversight:  the senior legal team members and clients, can see the chronology being built in real time and manage any problems with preparation before too much time is wasted

Exporting Documents:  you can export a hyperlinked spreadsheet quickly and easily for sharing with external parties who do not have access to the software.